Corporate Events


We were just a few years into the business when we bagged clients for corporate events. Translating logistics requirements from race routes to hotel ballrooms was fairly easy… the challenge came into creating more experiences for a market that is totally different from the running community.

The devil is in the details when it comes to a more intimate crowd. Email and telephone marketing are the initial touch points to convince attendees to be at the venue… and when they get there, we make sure they are WOWed!

Pep is proud to have global IT brands in this space. The opportunity expanded our knowledge about digital architectures and the Internet of Things (IOT). We learned that the future is not tomorrow, it has been here for years.

When the pandemic hit, we were quick to learn new platforms to transition on ground to virtual events. We cannot be more grateful to our clients for sticking with us in adopting to the next normal and endorsing us to their affiliates.